Matthew 1:18-25
December 24th 2023, 4th Holy Day of the month
Rev. Tadashi Nagae, pastor

The angels announced great joy to the shepherds. In what way was it a great joy?

The first is that God came to us. God came from His Kingdom to earth as a man with flesh to save us. Let us realize how great this is. When we know this grace, great joy is given to us.

The second is that He showed us his true love by dying instead of us. Jesus came so that he would die on the cross as our substitute. That is because he loves us so much. When we receive this true love, great joy will flow out of us.

The third is that God is always with us. God is not far away, but has come to us and is with us who have believed in Him. There is great joy and peace when we recognize this fact.

What kind of joy are we seeking in what kind of things? Let us not seek changeable joy in wrong things. Let us have unchangeable great joy from God and walk in it!

<The Verse of the Bible>
“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
and they shall call his name Immanuel” (which means, God with us).
Matthew 1:23 (English Standard Version)