"Remember also your Creator in the days of your youth" (The Bible)
■Message from the pastor
Baptist churches had been persecuted even before Reformation because they tried to be faithful to what the Bible teaches us. We claim our independence and also we firmly stand on the teachings of the Bible, we are healthy, free and cheerful church.
Over here in Yokohama, Japan, some Baptist Missionaries came with Doctor Hepburn and others at the beginning of Meiji Era, and they founded mission schools like Soshin and Kanto Gakuin.
In our church, we offer unified curriculum so that parents and children can hear the same teachings from the bible in each class which is led by experienced teachers very week, and in addition we have joint worship services after Church School to fill your needs and help you lead to the right direction of your lives.
Please come to church on Sundays with your family.
■Message from the Principal of Church School
At Church School, we have the same curriculum from the infants to adults, we learn from the Bible which is the true word of God every week regularly. Each class, depending on its age group, has appropriate teachers to deliver the messages. Each teacher tells God's will to the students from the words of the Bible with love and joy, and you will be able to find the real meaning of your life and the true value even though you are living in this changing world and society that has diverse values. Each class is looking forward to welcoming you.

As for our church school,
there are 3 major characteristics.

We have the class for beginners.
For those who are new to church, not a few anxiety might be with them. For such people, Beginners' Class is available during the church school hours. You can learn the fundamentals of the Bible with those who do not have faith or those who have just come to faith.
We are learning together with the same age people.
You can learn together with people of the same age in the classes of Toddlers, Elementary School Students, Junior High and High School students, Youth, and Adults , so it might be easy to get used to it and make friends in the faith.
We are learning in the cheerful circumstances.
The classes are not rigid, but all classes have a bright and warm atmosphere, and participants enjoy learning in a cheerful and fun way.

The Church School officially begins in April every year, but you can register for these classes at any time of the year. The classes are free of cost.
Please feel free to visit at any time.