With regard to the classes for adults, we have six classes for each age group ranging from 30s to 80s. The curriculum themes are basically identical for all the age groups, however, the teacher of each class interprets the themes according to the particular age group and makes the content more suitable. The attendees learn together and apply the insights gained from the Bible to their personal and professional lives, such as what should be done or not done at work, at home, and elsewhere. Thus, they not only study from the Bible but also have a good time as per their ages.

<Voice of an attendee>
Not only long-time members of the church but also new members are earnestly studying the Bible. Not only long-time members of the church but also new faces are earnestly studying the Bible. Although my class currently has 15–16 attendees, we always pray for more attendees to join us. We rejoice and thank God when He accepts our prayers and gives a new attendee!